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Black and white headshot of author Livia Gershon

Livia Gershon

Livia Gershon is a freelance writer in Nashua, New Hampshire. Her writing has appeared in publications including Salon, Aeon Magazine and the Good Men Project. Contact her on Twitter @liviagershon.

An empty boat at a tropical shore between two rocky masse

Is Taking Vacation Bad for Your Career?

Is taking time off for vacation bad for career advancement?
Close-up of triple 7's on the face of a slot machine

Who Wins When Gambling is Legal?

Is expanding the role of legal gambling in the U.S. wise?
FedEx trucks lined up in a parking lot

Before Amazon, There Was FedEx

How FedEx's data-driven approach paved the way for Amazon.
A maternity ward worker holds a baby in an empty hospital hall

Ready for the 11-Hour Work Day?

Will the 11-hour work day become a reality?
A baby holding the finger of a caretaker

Making Child Support Work Better for Children

Do child support laws actually benefit children?
Man ironing a work shirt

How the “Boomerang Generation” Sees Itself — and Adulthood

Researchers looked at young people's sense of their identity as adults after moving back home, with results published in Sociological Forum in 2008.
Ice and carbonation at the top of a glass of cola

When Soda Was Virtuous

Soda had a virtuous aura a century ago.
A pile of tax forms

Self-Employment: Exciting Opportunity or Last Resort?

Does self-employment open up new opportunities or exploit a vulnerable workforce?
Close-up of a paycheck breakdown

Do Living Wage Laws Work?

What do living wage laws mean to workers and local economies?
Refueling Car With Gasoline Pump Nozzle, Selective Focus on pump nozzle

Falling Oil Prices are Worse for Conservation than You Think

It's not just falling oil prices but any price volatility that makes conservation a harder sell.
50-yard line on a football field

Making College Work for Student-Athletes

What factors might help student-athletes at Division I schools get the most from their years at school?
2013 issue of Playboy from Israel

Playboy‘s Complicated Relationship with Feminism

Playboy has begun producing some surprisingly feminist content in recent months.
One hand outstretched for a handshake and on the opposite side a hand clenched in a fist

How Not to Pay for Race Discrimination

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently announced that it's suing four Whitten Inn hotels over race discrimination
Close-up of a hand on a television remote control

Will the Fall of Cable Mean Darker TV?

Last week, HBO and CBS both announced plans for stand-alone online services, leading to much chatter about the end of cable TV as we know it.
MacArthus Fellow Sarah Deer standing in front of the sign for William Mitchell College of Law

Interview with MacArthur Fellow Sarah Deer: Native Women and the Law

MacArthur Fellow Sarah Deer discusses her legal work in preventing sexual violence among the Native American population.
A father and mother holding their toddler between them

What’s the Return on Investment for Having a Kid?

Raising kids is expensive. What do parents get in return?
A handshake between two professionally dressed individuals

Does Lobbying Really Help Corporations?

Analysis found that big lobbying doesn't necessarily go together with big profits.
Rear view of large group of students at university amphitheater.

Scholarly Advice for Potential New Undergrads

Some counterintuitive advice for students.
An office worker packing up the contents of their desk into a cardboard box

Should Smoking Pot Get You Fired?

The Supreme Court of Colorado, where marijuana use is now legal, is considering whether workers can be fired for smoking pot outside of working hours.
Students at a shared desk working independently

Undocumented at College

The effects of allowing undocumented students to receive in-state tuition rates at their state colleges and universities.
Cupped hands holding grain

Why Growing More Food Won’t Stop Hunger

Hunger is still a major issue. At the same time, the world produces twice as much food as it needs.
Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism

Homes of The River Gods: The History of American Mansions

Mansions hold a special place in the American imagination, and dates back to colonial days.
Virginia first lady Maureen McDonnell reads to children at the Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story Child Development Center.

The Public Wife: Is Maureen McDonnell to Blame for Her Husband’s Downfall?

Maureen McDonnell was found guilty, along with her husband, Gov. Bob McDonnell. What role do spouses have in political scandals?
CC BY-SA 3.0 User IngSoc

The Many Meanings of McDonalds

McDonalds means different things in different places.