Adolf Hitler at his Berghof mansion in Obersalzberg.

A Blind Beetle Named Hitler?

The case for changing offensive names of animals and plants, and how it can be done
Project Mohole

Moho-A-Go-Go: Journey to the Far Edge of the Center of the Earth

The “Moho,” short for the Mohorovičić discontinuity, is a long way down.
Print advertisement for an electron microscope and other electronics manufactured and sold by the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) for various scientific and industrial applications. The advertisement features an illustrated depiction of a bacteriologist viewing samples of the influenza virus under magnification. The accompanying text details the electron microscope's ability to make the infinitesimal visible through the use of electrons instead of light for illumination.

Viruses Through the Looking-Glass

The electron microscope brought about a paradigm shift in virology in the middle of the twentieth century.
A map of the stars by John Flamsteed, 1776

Spider in the Telescope: The Mechanization of Astronomy

John Flamsteed’s vision of an astronomer's skill set clashed with existing ideas about observing, paving the way for a new mindset based on mechanical objectivity.
A view of Europa captured by JunoCam, the public engagement camera aboard NASA's Juno spacecraft, 2022

NASA’s Europa Clipper

The spacecraft will investigate whether an icy moon of Jupiter can support alien life.
Model of Henry Cavendish's Torsion Balance Gravitational Apparatus, 1798

The Strange Experiments of Henry Cavendish

Cavendish was an idiosyncratic scientist who conducted fascinating experiments, such as “weighing” the Earth and splitting water into its constituent elements.
Satellite image of salt deposits on Mars

“Follow the Salt”: A New Strategy for Finding Life on Mars

Scientists might be looking for Martian life in the wrong place.
The location of T Coronae Borealis (circled in cyan)

John Birmingham’s Discovery of the Blaze Star

John Birmingham discovered T Coronae Borealis in the narrow window when astronomy flourished in nineteenth-century Ireland.
An artist's representation of the Earth during Huronian Glaciation

Snowball Earth

How scientists discovered that unique Scottish rocks record when Earth was first encased in ice.
The main mass of the Nqweba meteorite showing the black fusion crust and brecciated interior (light grey) with broken mineral and rock fragments.

Meteorite Strike in South Africa

Scientists offer clues about what it is and where it came from.