Total solar eclipse, May 29, 1919, at Sobral, Brazil

Bridging The Gap of War: Einstein’s Eclipse

Astronomer Arthur S. Eddington argued that astronomy should be above politics, even when politics leads to world war.
Andromeda Galaxy

100 Years after the “Great Debate”: How Edwin Hubble Expanded the Cosmos

In 1924, Edwin Hubble found proof that the Milky Way isn't the only galaxy in the Universe.

Anaxagoras and the Eclipse: The First to Get It Right

Scholars sometimes credit Thales or Empedocles of Acragas with the first correct theory of solar eclipses, but it was Anaxagoras who had the science right.
A deep image from the Dark Energy Survey showing the field covered by one of the individual detectors in the Dark Energy Camera.

Astronomers Use AI to Shed Light on Dark Energy

A new measurement offers insights on the density of the mysterious force driving the Universe’s expansion.
Dramatic skies over the Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica

Central American Volcanoes Offer Clues to Earth’s Geological Evolution

Along 1,100 kilometers, from Mexico to Costa Rica, lies the Central American volcanic arc, where the variety of magma types make for a geological paradise.
An illustration of seven Earth-size planets orbiting the TRAPPIST-1 star

Why TRAPPIST-1 Is Our Favorite Alien Planetary System

The TRAPPIST-1 system is a treasure trove of possibilities and questions. Observations by JWST have just begun.
An artist's rendering of a black hole

Ancient Black Hole Challenges Our Understanding of the Early Universe

The Big Bang theory is not threatened, but astrophysicists have some explaining to do.
Lion's Head rock formation on the shoulder of Mt. Washington, NH

Why the Worst Weather on Earth Is in New Hampshire

A combination of factors makes the weather at New Hampshire’s Mount Washington arguably the most brutal in the world.
The Sun photographed at 304 angstroms by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA 304) of NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)

How Earthquakes Helped Us Map the Interior of the Sun

Temperatures in the Sun's core exceed 10 million degrees Celsius. But how on Earth did we actually come to know that?