Lidice memorial

The Role of Children in War, from Lidice to Aleppo

Images of children in wartime, like those from Aleppo, can shock the world. But what happens after that isn't so clear.
Migrant Mother, Dorthea Lange

Dorothea Lange and the Making of Migrant Mother

Follow the rich history of Dorothea Lange, as she captured the iconic and lasting portrait of Florence Thompson, more famously known as Migrant Mother.
Tintype portrait

Fast, Cheap, and Totally Popular: Tintypes

Tintypes were an early, accessible, cheap form of photography, just the thing for on-the-go Americans.
Photograph by Cindy Sherman

Cindy Sherman: Before the Selfie

Before cell phones and selfies, American artist Cindy Sherman influenced the world with her monumental and ongoing series of self-portraiture.
David Wojnarowicz Smoking, 1981 Peter Hujar © 1987 The Peter Hujar Archive LLC; Courtesy Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York and Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco

The Lonely City: What Past Artists Tell Us About the Present

What can we learn from Lonely City artists like David Wojnarowicz in our age of hyper-connectivity?
Pine forrest [sic], Summit Station, Catawissa R.R. Photo by John Moran

When Photography Wasn’t Art

Today, photography is commonly accepted as a fine art. But through much of the 19th century, it was an art world outcast.
Group of men and women photographed with their cameras, possibly in the Redcliffe area, 1910-1920.

Empathy and Imagery

Theories from psychology, education, philosophy, and sociology, show how complex and subconscious the feeling of empathy can be.
Refugees Hungary

“Let the Traumatic Image Haunt Us”

When tragedies strike, it is through photographs, rather than think pieces and reportage that the reader can see the sheer scale of the problem.
"England monastery in Lacock Abbei 1844 by Talbot" by Henry Fox Talbot - books (источники: Сергей Александрович Морозов. Творческая фотография. М.:Изд-во «Планета», 3-е изд., 1989, ISBN 5-85250-029-1). Licensed under Public Domain via <a href="" target="_blank">Wikimedia Commons</a>

Art, Technology, & Early Photography: William Henry Fox Talbot

The 175th anniversary of William Henry Fox Talbot's calotype photography.