Gladyes Williamson holds up a discolored jug of water and chants along with other protestors outside the Farmers Market downtown on April 25, 2015, which marks the one year anniversary of the City of Flint switching from using Detroit water to Flint River water. Flint residents of all ages gathered outside Flint City Hall, located on S. Saginaw Street, with signs, t-shirts, and megaphones before walking throughout many streets downtown to voice their concerns with the public. (Sam Owens/The Flint via AP)

Should the EPA Be Blamed For the Crisis in Flint?

The EPA has claimed no wrongdoing in the crisis in Flint. Should they have?
National Wildlife Refuge

The History of the National Wildlife Refuge System

Malheur National Wildlife Refuge has been occupied by armed militants since January 2, 2016. But where did the National Wildlife Refuge system come from?
Compost Heap

Should You Compost?

The science is clear: composting organic waste is good for the environment. 
Rings of a tree

What Tree Rings Tell Us About the Climate

Tree rings provide scientists with helpful clues regarding the planet's climate patterns, past and present.
Ghost fishing

“Ghost Fishing” Is Killing Coastal Wildlife

Ghost fishing is the process by which fishing equipment no longer under human control continues to trap and kill wildlife.

How Mining Impacted the Midwestern Grasslands

Is it possible to recover from the effects of coal mining? We investigate.

Sunscreen Linked to Coral Reef Decay

Globally, we release roughly four to six thousand tons of sunscreen in coral reef areas. The result has been disastrous.
Electrolytically refined pure (99.989 %) superficially oxidized lead nodules and a high purity (99.989 %) 1 cm3 lead cube for comparison.

Lead: Our Four-Thousand Year Old Pollutant

The history of lead pollution goes back 4000 years.

Does Deforestation Lead to Drought?

Are we at the point of no return?
Suburban Lawn

Your Green Lawn is Harming the Environment

Americans go to desperate measures to keep their lawns manicured and green. But is it worth the environmental cost?