A desalination plant

Desalination: Drought Relief or Liability?

Is desalination a viable solution for California's water crisis?
Two Polar Bears navigate drifting ice floes

Geoengineering: A Real Weapon Against Climate Change?

Does geoengineering deserve stronger consideration as a strategy to combat climate change?
Stormy Winds Leveling Huge Waves Flat

Can International Marine Reserves Save The Ocean?

The oceans may be on the verge of biological collapse, can international marine reserves save them?
yellow-green image on a lake that is poisoned and polluted

The Latest Legacy of Acid Rain: Jellied Lakes

The impact of decades of acid rain (better known as acid precipitation) is causing North American lakes to turn to jelly.
Four lane highway in Nebraska

An Algae Farm for Cleaner Highways

A design firm has come up with an answer to highway pollution, running tubes of photosynthetic algae to absorb CO2 pollution from traffic.
Black and white drawing of a Giant Moa, an extinct flightless bird

How Many People Does it Take to Wreck an Ecosystem?

A relatively small number of people are required to destroy and ecosystem
Tweezers holding a leaf and placing it in a test tube

EPA Announces 2014 Presidential Green Chemistry Award Winners

The 2014 Presidential Green Chemistry Award winners discover new strategies for pollution prevention.
The sun rising over the Earth's horizon

Welcome to the Anthropocene

What is the anthropocene?
A lone creature among the sea plants underwater

Why Isn’t Anyone Talking About Ocean Acidification?

Will ocean acidification disrupt the planet's ecosystem before climate change does?