Aerial view of the Gulf of Mexico

Our Oceans Are Suffocating

The oceans can’t catch a break. To rising temperatures and acidification caused by rising CO2 emissions, add oxygen deprivation .
A fox stands next to a car in a parking lot

Uptown Fox: On Wildlife in Cities

Urban environments are harsh, with only fragmentary remains of natural habitat. But human activity has driven a rise of wildlife in cities.
Spiral of Plankton in Indian Ocean

The Effects of El Niño You Never Hear About

El Niño is a complex series of weather patterns that arises in the Pacific, influencing weather phenomena around the world. But what's it doing to plankton?
Wildlife cams

Why We Can’t Turn Away from Wildlife Cams

Wildlife cams have steadily gained popularity among both scientists and casual observers. But viewers aren't always prepared for wildlife unscripted.
“It could be so light that you don’t even know it’s there, on your shirt or on your notebook,” Vladimir Bulović says. “These cells could simply be an add-on to existing structures.” Photo: Joel Jean and Anna Osherov

Solar Panels Get Small. Real Small.

Solar panels keep getting lighter and thinner. MIT researchers have created a solar panel so light and thin that it can rest on a soap bubble.
Methane Gas Exhaust Pipe

The Not-So-Clean Side of Natural Gas

Methane leaks are a serious but oft-overlooked cause of pollution.
Elk in Yellowstone National Park

National Parks Are Like Islands for Wildlife

There’s no doubt that national parks are good at getting people in touch with the natural world. But how good are they at conserving wildlife?
Mycorhizae fungus

Climate Change, Fungal Change

Climate change is having an effect on the fungal communities in the soil that trees and other plants depend on. 
DNA double helix

DNA Law and Order: Logging Edition

Illegal logging is pervasive across the globe, occurring anywhere there are exploitable forests. The resulting timber is illicitly traded and ...

Ecoacoustics: The Deafening Silence of Endangered Wildlife

The emerging field of ecoacoustics is the studies how species use sound to coexist and interact across vast areas of land.