Why Are So Many Romances Set in the Regency Period?
The British Regency era lasted less than a decade, but it spawned a staggering number of unlikely fictional marriages.
The First Vietnamese in America
Before 1945, many Vietnamese migrants to the United States were laborers. One was Ho Chi Minh.
How Courageous Should Nurses Have to Be?
According to three scholars, it's asking a lot for health care professionals to be completely selfless.
What’s the Difference between a Shanty and a Sea Song?
“Soon May the Wellerman Come” is the heart of ShantyTok—but it’s not a sea shanty at all. Two authoritative essays roil the waters.
How the Civil War Got Its Name
From "insurrection" to "rebellion" to "Civil War," finding a name for the conflict was always political.
Native Nations and the BIA: It’s Complicated
Historically, relations between Native Americans and the Bureau of Indian Affairs have been contentious. Is that still the case?
The Shark-Fighting Brothers behind 20,000 Leagues under the Sea
In 1916, the Williamson brothers used their father's underwater photography device to film a fight with a shark, piquing Universal Pictures' interest.
Cults on TV!
How stereotypes influence our ideas about what is and isn’t legitimate religion.
How the IWW Grew after the Centralia Tragedy
A violent confrontation between the IWW and the American Legion put organized labor on trial, but a hostile federal government didn’t stop the IWW from growing.
Why Some Plants Are Parasites
Tap into the underground network of plants and fungi with mysterious myco-heterotrophes.