The Surprising Colors of Snow
In mountain and other wilderness areas where deep snows last well into the spring, the snow may be tinted red, green, orange, or yellow.
Scientists Have Isolated a New Antibiotic from Soil
Scientists have isolated a new antibiotic from soil.
Does Global Inequality Matter?
Is income inequality still a pressing global issue?
What Price Fast Fashion?
Fast fashion is a phenomenon that transcends the runway, crosses borders, and cuts across barriers of class, culture, and emerging economies
Pinterest and Hairspray: Marketing “girly” stuff to men
Marketing any product that's been branded as "feminine" to men has long been a tough task.
Harper Lee to Publish a New Novel at age 88
55 years after the publication of her first, only, and very successful debut novel reclusive American author Harper Lee ...
DIY Weather Forecasting
Are there better options for weather forecasting than educated guessing?
Getting Historical Movies Right: Hollywood vs. Historians
Does the movie industry owe it to the public to get the facts right in historical movies?
What If Home Ownership Were Not Part of the American Dream?
Is home ownership a requirement for adulthood in America? As far back in 1938, some have argued to change that mindset.