Volcanoes, Climate Change, and The Birth of Christianity
The massive, deadly eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eldgjá in 10th century brought climate change and Christianity to the island colony.
The Uncertain Future of the Religious Left
The aftermath of the 2016 U.S. election has renewed calls for an empowered coalition of religious liberals. Is there a place for the religious left?
A.K.M. Adam and Postmodern Biblical Studies
Welcome to Ask a Professor, our series that offers an insider’s view of life in academia. This month we interviewed A.K.M. Adam.
Why Martin Luther’s Body Type Mattered
Five hundred years after posting his ninety-five theses and launching the Reformation, Martin Luther remains a big man of history. Literally.
John Calvin: The Religious Reformer Who Influenced Capitalism
Both the blame and the credit for capitalism has often been placed at the feet of a 16th-century Christian theologian named John Calvin.
Does the “Prosperity Gospel” Explain Trump?
According to the Prosperity Gospel, wealth is a sign of God's favor. Trump Tower is not just his monument. It is seen as God's gift.
Why Egypt’s Coptic Christians Face Rising Sectarianism
Egypt’s Coptic Christians supported President Abdelfattah al-Sisi's overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood. Why do they still face discrimination?
Chick Tracts and the Culture Wars
Jack Chick has been called the “most widely read theologian in history.” His Chick tracts have circulated for years. He was also vehemently anti-Catholic.
What Helps Gay Christians Feel Welcome at Church?
Gay Christians have special challenges when it comes to integrating an LGBT identity within a religious identity.
Queering the Christian Experience
The queer theology of Marcella Althaus-Reid calls into question our understandings of gender, sexuality, power, and our desire for God.