The Fight to Integrate Philadelphia’s Department Stores
Black women shopped at department store counters, but they weren't welcome to work where they spent their money.
Remembering the Disaster at Hawks Nest
Hundreds of miners, mostly African American men, died from an entirely preventable industrial catastrophe.
How Trumbull Park Exposed the Brutal Legacy of Segregation
Frank London Brown’s 1959 novel, which presents a powerful story of white supremacist hatred, has been selected for the Chicago Literary Hall of Fame.
The Black Press and Disinformation on Facebook
The Black Press historically has countered disinformation that targeted Black voters, but now it is financially connected to Facebook itself.
Marian Anderson Photo Archives
The African American opera singer made history with a stirring concert at the Lincoln Memorial. But there was much more to Marian Anderson.
The Power of the Intersectional Protest Image
In an age of hashtag activism and partisan news, social media offers possibilities for intersectional movements to reimagine images of Black protest.
The Death of Steve Biko, Revisited
Like the death of George Floyd, the South African activist Steve Biko’s death galvanized a global movement against racism.
Passing for White to Escape Slavery
Passing for white was an intentional strategy that enslaved people used to free themselves from bondage.
A Century of Black Youth Activism
The history of the 1950s and 1960s Civil Rights Movement is widely studied, but young Black Americans have been organizing for justice for much longer.
The Alpha Suffrage Club and Black Women’s Fight for the Vote
Black women’s experiences in the suffrage movement show that the Nineteenth Amendment marked one event in the fight for the vote, not an endpoint.