How a Rastafari Community Protects the Land in Trinidad
A small community grows around ecosystem preservation and shared beliefs, to the benefit of the residents and the land they live on.
Bangalore’s Green Belt Fifty Years On
Or, why the best laid plans of urban design sometimes go awry.
What is in an Ice Core?
Climate science frequently references ice cores, but it's what is in the cores that matters to science and history.
Off-Trail Trampling Has Lasting Impacts
Sometimes taking the trail less traveled actually does more harm than good.
Ski Resorts and Climate Change
The effects of climate change are already being felt by some ski resorts, but filling in the slopes with artificial snow may not be a good solution.
Heating Your Home Sustainably
Home heating can be done more sustainably than we currently do it. How to do it depends on a number of factors.
Wreath-Making in National Parks? In Mexico, Yes
Mexico created its national parks system in the 1930s. Today, hundreds of thousands of people live, and work, within its boundaries.
Ecological Surprises From Fires Down Under
The recent Australian 2019-2020 bushfires were devastating for people and fauna. Long term, they may not hurt wildlife and ecosystems as much as expected.
The Ecological Prescience of Dune
Frank Herbert’s novel isn't just about space messiahs, giant sandworms, and trippy space drugs. At its core, the sci-fi epic is about ecology.