The First Earth Day, and the First Green Generation
The first Earth Day took place fifty years ago, so most people don't remember how it happened or what it accomplished. It's time for a look back.
Sheep Snarf Seaweed at the Scottish Seashore
A seaweed-only diet seems to curb methane emissions in sheep on a tiny island in Scotland.
An Islamic Approach to Environmentalism
A number of contemporary Muslim environmentalist groups have been inspired by Koranic verses that stress the conservation of nature.
How Judi Bari Tried to Unite Loggers and Environmentalists
The radical environmentalist had a background in labor organizing and wanted to end the misogyny of the movement and the logging industry alike.
How Safe Is BPA-Free Plastic?
With BPA gone from many plastic products, researchers are concerned about other environmental chemicals, which might cause reproductive harm.
We Consume a Spoonful of Plastic a Week
You've heard about all the microscopic plastic in our water supply. But did you know there are ways to limit how much you ingest?
Bulldozers Versus Biodiversity, Then and Now
Trump's border wall threatens habitats in Arizona's Sonoran Desert. What happened when the area was bulldozed in the 1950s?
Got Milk? You Probably Got Fire Retardants, Too
“Forever chemicals,” also known as PFAS, have been found in 43 states so far, turning up in milk, eggs, and fish.
Plant of the Month: Agave
The international popularity of tequila threatens the quantity, health, and biodiversity of all species of agave.
Five Green Living Resolutions for 2020
We won't solve all of the pressing environmental problems, but we can help mitigate some.