The Seal That Flew 1000 Miles To Get Home
Found stranded on a subtropical beach, the mystery seal finally comes home to its North Atlantic waters.
The Amazing Eyes of the Archerfish
The archerfish has an unusual skill: it spits water directly at its prey, knocking the bugs out of the sky. But how?
Camouflage Gets Weird
Some animals use chemical camouflage, even altering the way they smell in order to avoid predation.
Green Birds Aren’t Really Green
Some of the most dazzling coloration you see in birds doesn’t actually exist.
The Hidden Extinction Crisis
The extinction crisis might be even worse than we think, because we tend to mostly pay attention to terrestrial vertebrates.
Pssst. Exotic Animals Don’t Make Good Pets
They might be cute, but animals like otters are difficult to take care of. Plus, there are ecological concerns inherent in removing them from the wild.
Why Forage Fish Conservation Matters
Small fish like herring and anchovies serve an important role in the ecosystem. If passed into law, a new act would protect these forage fish.
How Longleaf Pines Helped Build the U.S.
The dense, resin-saturated, rot-resistant timber of the longleaf pine helped build up U.S. cities. But most of the native stands have already been logged.
The Delicate Science-Art of the Blaschka Invertebrate Collection
The Cornell Collection of Blaschka Invertebrate Models includes hundreds of glass models of sea creatures, making it both a teaching tool and a metaphor.
The Military Response to Poaching
Is militarizing rangers really the best way to cut down on poaching? It's more complicated than you might imagine.