New York City Bans Foie Gras
The practice of eating fatty goose livers dates back to at least 2500 BCE. Is there a humane way to produce it?
The Cartoonishly Giant Antlers of the Irish Elk
The mystery of the Irisk Elk's giant antlers attracted the attention of famous evolutionary biologist Steven Jay Gould.
Environmental Challenges Ahead for Coffee Beans
The issues aren’t limited to extreme weather events or pest attacks.
The Case of the Thinning Eggshells
How the proliferation of pesticides like DDT almost undid the Peregrine falcon.
How to Carve Up a Cow, Sustainably
The industrial method of meat harvesting wastes a lot of food. Eco-conscious butchers are changing that.
I Spent Three Hours Staring at an Anthill
And all I got were these fascinating observations of parasitic ants that kidnap other ants.
Where the Small Fish Clean the Bigger Ones
A "cleaner station" is a sort of undersea business, a place where large, often predatory, fish go to have parasites removed.
Does My Dog Really Feel Shame?
A Curious Reader asks: When my dog gets that “hang dog” expression after I scold her for misbehavior, is she really ashamed?
The Ethics of Research on Captive Dolphins
Researchers say that dolphins are so smart that captivity causes them psychological harm. But getting data in the open ocean can be tricky.