Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Pulpit
Judging from his public speeches, Franklin D. Roosevelt--aka FDR--may have been our most religious 20th century President.
The Persecution of the Romani by the Nazis
Like the Jews, the Romani were victims of the Nazi's ideology of race.
Leopards, Hippos, and Cats, Oh My! The World’s First Zoo
Hierakonpolis, the capital of Upper Egypt during the Predynastic period, is the site of the world’s first zoo.
Celebrating Feminist Pioneer Elizabeth Cady Stanton
We highlight two of Elizabeth Cady Stanton's essays on the bicentennial of her birth.
The Five Percent: Looking at Where the Largest Campaign Donors Come From
The majority of campaign donors live in just five percent of the country's zip codes. Here is where they ideologically stand on issues.
Does Socialism Make People Happy?
Bernie Sanders cites Denmark's social welfare programs as a model. We turn to socialism and see whether he's right.
Two Enemies Bound by the Poet Horace
How Horace brought to enemies together during WWII and what role the poet played in the post-war cultural identity of Europe.
The Cardiff Giant: The Biggest Hoax of the 19th Century
The Cardiff Giant was the greatest hoax in an era of hoaxes.
Remembering Pierre Trudeau, Father of Canada’s New Prime Minister
Canada's new Prime Minister is the son of Pierre Trudeau, the most famous Canadian politician of the late 20th century.
The Upside of Partisanship
How partisanship shapes voter decision-making and turnout.