Cuisine des sorcières

What Caused the Salem Witch Trials?

Looking into the underlying causes of the Salem Witch Trials in the 17th century.
Cover of the book The Catcher in the Rye written by J. D. Salinger.
 (left) The front cover of the first issue of Playboy, December 1953 (right)

J.D. Salinger and Playboy: The Fight Against Obscenity

The Citizens for Decent Literature launched various anti-obscenity campaigns against magazines like Playboy and MAD and books like Catcher in the Rye.
Mayor John Lindsay at the first public hearing on proposed executive capital budget.

John Lindsay, Last of the Liberal Republicans

Yes, there was once such a thing as a liberal Republican. We take a look at the rise and fall of John Lindsay, former Mayor of New York.
By FEMA News Photo (This image is from the FEMA Photo Library.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Preventing Nuclear Terrorism

The fight for nuclear non-proliferation by state and non-state actors alike.
Natural tar seeps at the McKittrick Oil Field By Lldenke (Own work) [CC BY 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

When Petroleum Was Used As Medicine

We look at the discovery of petroleum, both linguistically and practically.
Steam Locomotive

Mourning the Death of the American Railway

Just as the Titanic had redefined passenger liners, so too would the Zephyr transform the American railway.
Licensed under Public Domain via <a href="" target="_blank">Commons</a>

The Making of Asian America

Asians are on track to become the fastest growing U.S. population by the next half-century. We look at the history of Asian immigration, past and present.
Description: The Black Panthers march in protest of the trial of co-founder Huey P. Newton in Oakland, California. 
Photo Credit: Copyright Bettmann/Corbis / AP Images

How the Black Panther Party Inspired the Aborigines

The Black Panther Party's influence was global in scope. We look at its influence amongst the Aborigines of Australia.
Original caption: 12/31/1916-Dorothy Day (1897-1980), American journalist and reformer, born in Brooklyn, NY. (Copyright Bettmann/Corbis / AP Images)

Dorothy Day and the Activism of the Catholic Church

We look back at the work of social activist Dorothy Day, who's staunch defense of labor unions fell in-line with the activism of the Catholic Church.
New York area marksman C.B. Winder shooting a gun. 
Photo Credit: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress)

Deep Dive

Each week, our editors annotate the most popular op-ed pieces in the news with links to further reading on JSTOR.