The road to liberty; a station on the Underground Railroad.

The Secret Order Behind the Underground Railroad

William Lambert and George De Baptiste, free-born black men, used the underground railroad to help slaves escape to British Canada. 
A Sandhill Crane walking in a marsh

Western Lands and the Rise of the Political Right

The Sagebrush Rebellion proved pivotal in strengthening the politics of the Republican Party in the West.
Close range handgun

Why Do Some States Have Citizen Militias While Others Don’t?

The occupation of a wildlife refuge in Oregon and subsequent arrest of Ammon Bundy has once again drawn ...
A water tower at sunset.

Before Flint: How Ancient Civilizations Maintained Their Drinking Water

Ancient civilizations utilized various creative strategies to supply their populations with usable and drinkable water. 
Sandra Bland via Facebook

Why is Perjury So Rarely Prosecuted?

Perjury is often considered the "forgotten offense." Despite being widespread, it is rarely prosecuted. 
Going through the storm of Universal suffrage...

The Golden Age of Political Cartoons

Does it sometimes seem as if our political culture is a political cartoon?
"Men with sign "International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union""

Why We Should Care About the Death of Labor Unions

Labor unions nationwide may be weakened by the Supreme Court. But unions have been instrumental in protecting the interests of underrepresented groups.
Presidential Candidates Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Marco Rubio, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

How Important is the New Hampshire Primary Anyway?

Once considered essential, winning the New Hampshire primary is no longer indicative of who will become the next President.
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King.

By Herman Hiller / New York World-Telegram & Sun, Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

Ronald Reagan and the Rewriting of Martin Luther King’s Legacy

Ronald Reagan invoked Dr. King's legacy to fit with his larger political and rhetorical aims. 
A man stands guard after members of the "3% of Idaho" group along with several other organizations arrived at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Ore., on Saturday, Jan. 9, 2016. A small, armed group has been occupying the remote national wildlife refuge in Oregon for a week to protest federal land use policies. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

Where the “Well Regulated Militia” Clause Came From

The ideological roots of the concept of militias in America stretch back into English history.