The Fight to Integrate Philadelphia’s Department Stores
Black women shopped at department store counters, but they weren't welcome to work where they spent their money.
The Long-Lost Ritual of Baby Books
Mothers used to documented their infant children's milestones—first steps, first smile—in specially made books. They're amazing historical documents.
The Woman Teacher Documents a Feminist Labor Union’s Victory
The UK’s National Union of Women Teachers went from splinter group to union in its own right, winning on equal pay—as The Woman Teacher shows first-hand.
Remembering the Disaster at Hawks Nest
Hundreds of miners, mostly African American men, died from an entirely preventable industrial catastrophe.
Who Helped Japanese Americans after Internment?
Resettlement was difficult and traumatic, but the religious community worked to provide housing, food, and job opportunities.
When the English Witnessed Battles in the Sky
Some claimed the battles were so fierce they could smell the gunpowder.
Food and Class: What’s in the Fridge?
A recent New York Times quiz got us thinking about refrigerators, food, diet, and assumptions about class. Here are 12 stories on the subject.
Crocodiles in Ancient Egypt
According to archaeologists, it looks like worshipers of the croc deity Sobek bred the Nile's most famous reptile for mummification.
Why Do We Vote by Secret Ballot?
Election days used to be raucous affairs, with individual votes sometimes cast orally for all to hear.
Religious Identity and Supreme Court Justices
If successful, Amy Coney Barrett would become the 7th current Supreme Court justice to be raised a Catholic, and the sixth conservative Christian.