Sheet music for "Good-morning to All"

The Woman Behind “Happy Birthday to You”

The story of Patty Smith Hill, the woman who wrote "Happy Birthday To You"
Bill Cosby sitting across from Lisa Bonet

Not Quite Right: The Father Daughter Dynamic in the Cosby Show

The father daughter dynamic in Cosby's show reveals how enmeshed we are in rape and misogynistic culture.
Arnold Schwarzenegger as an action hero holding a gun in 1984's The Terminator

Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Kinder, Gentler Action Hero?

Two articles look at the movies of Arnold Schwarzenegger through the lens of gender studies and feminism.
Older black and white photograph of the Hollywood sign

Inside Early Hollywood’s Obsession With Age

How did Hollywood portray aging stars in a time before Photoshop?
Scattered paper money in various denominations

The Grateful Dead, Tape Trading, and the Music Industry

What the difference between tape trading and bootlegging in rock music?
Lorne Malvo

From Twain to Fargo: the Outsider in American Storytelling

The Lorne Malvo character on the new Fargo TV series, is like the character Satan in Mark Twain's final novel, The Mysterious Stranger.
Multi-colored pop art

Black Death and the Godz of the New Pop Art

In America, black humanity is a folk category; and black death might have become the new pop art.
"BillOReillySept2010" by Justin Hoch. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

Bill O’Reilly: The Thug Life

The O’Reilly Factor follows a “set of binary codes of the form sacred vs. polluted,” expressed in a number of ways according to sociologist Matthew Norton.
Ballerina, Leslie Caron leans on Gene Kelly's arm in "An American in Paris"

An American in Paris: Onstage and Onscreen

Whatever your thoughts on the Broadway production, An American in Paris is a big deal in the history of movie musicals.
Marc Maron podcasting in his garage.

Why You Know Marc Maron Better Than Your Own Family

How the transmedia work of Marc Maron engages with fans.