Left: Pinball. Right: Game Controllers

From Pinball to Video Games: How Sex Shaped the Gamer Revolution

From the start, sex played a strong role in marketing games to teenagers.
Photo of Carmen Miranda published by the New York Sunday News in 1943.

From Vaudeville to Hamilton: Racial Minorities in Musicals

Hamilton, the Lin-Manuel Miranda play, is taking Broadway by storm. Its use of a "race-blind" cast has been unprecedented in modern theater.
Collage of cosplay

Unpacking the World of Cosplay

We go into the world of cosplay, where men and women dress up and role-play as their favorite fictional characters.
Imagine John Lennon Memorial

The John Lennon Memorial

Strawberry Fields, the John Lennon memorial in Central Park, has become somewhat of a pilgrimage for Beatles and non-Beatles fans alike.
Disco ball with blurred purple lights in the background

Do the Hustle: How Disco Was Marketed

Disco changed the way the music industry marketed music to the public. The genre innovated an industry and changed our interaction with popular music.
Taylor Swift/VEVO

Taylor Swift’s White Colonial Romance

Taylor Swift is a member of the Lion King generation, which means that, for her, African landscapes are nothing more than a rich tapestry of flora and fauna
Taylor Swift Credit: Taylor Swift/Vevo

Taylor Swift: 1989’s Confessional Poet

Since she first came to prominence, Taylor Swift's songs have been read autobiographically.
"FrankHerbert Dune 1st" by Digital scan of book cover from [1]; copyright maintained by publisher or artist, as applicable.. Via <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:FrankHerbert_Dune_1st.jpg#/media/File:FrankHerbert_Dune_1st.jpg" target="_blank">Wikipedia</a>

Dune at 50

Frank Herbert's novel Dune, the best selling science-fiction novel of all time, celebrates it's 50th birthday and is still read in innovative ways.
A note to the art community from the Guerilla Girls that points out how the price of art pieces continues to climb while employee wages fall

The Guerrilla Girls Turn 30

A secret collective of masked female artists known as the Guerrilla Girls has taken to the streets and museums to combat racism and sexism for 30 years.
Estonian flag pinned into a globe showing the location of Estonia

How Singing Started a Revolution in Estonia

The vibrant and revolutionary culture of singing in Estonia.