Salamanders Crossing: This Way to the Vernal Pool!
They may look like random puddles, but some states are building million-dollar tunnels to direct wildlife to these seasonal refuges.
Cat Names, Doubt Machines, and Christianity’s Future
Well-researched stories from Scientific American, Fivethirtyeight, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
Why Victorians Loved Hair Relics
Victorians were mesmerized by the hair of the dead -- which reveals something about about how they saw life.
A Legendary Filmmaker’s Notes on Teaching
Experimental filmmaker Barbara Hammer was also a teacher, and wrote about how she kept the "artist-self" alive while working her day job.
How Women Helped to Develop the First Spacesuit
NASA recently cancelled an all-female spacewalk, citing a lack of spacesuits. Ironically, women played a key role in creating the very first spacesuits.
Richard Wright Helped Bring Mental Healthcare to Harlem
The famous novelist worked to fight the psychological cost of black oppression.
Do the French Just Like Protesting?
France's Yellow Vests have been protesting for months on end. Such protests are an integral part of France's culture.
10 Ekphrastic Poems
Broadly defined, an ekphrastic poem describes another work of art. Here are some by Ocean Vuong, Aziza Barnes, Robert Hayden, Frank O’Hara, Danez Smith, and more.
What Is a Quantum Computer?
Researchers claim to have turned back time inside a quantum computer. Meanwhile, most of us are still trying to wrap our minds around what that even means.
The Bluestockings
Meet the original Bluestockings, a group of women intellectuals. Their name would eventually become a misogynist epithet -- but it didn't start that way.