Vaping Sickness, Modern Menopause, and Lab-Made Embryos
Well-researched stories from High Country News, Scientific American, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
Can Sustainable Travel in the Amazon Help Reduce Forest Fires?
A rainforest evangelist hopes that Brazil’s 55-million year old jungle can survive 21st century human impact.
Why Are Cities Filled with Metal Men on Horseback?
The original inspiration for the now-ubiquitous equestrian statue, a classical bronze of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, was almost melted down and lost forever.
Can Fire Destroy the Amazon?
The massive fires of 2019 have many asking the question: is there a "tipping point" beyond which the Amazon cannot recover?
When Puppet Shows Were Too Violent For Kids
How much violence do we accept in our entertainment? 19th-century Punch and Judy shows were misogynistic, murderous, and definitely not for children.
Treating Wounds With Magic
Spoiler alert: It doesn't work.
The Old New Trend of Sober Curiosity
Abstaining from alcohol is a new trend with a long, long history.
Why Everyone Doesn’t Value Choice to the Same Degree
Studies show that college-educated white Americans value having choice -- and yet having too much choice can paralyze and lead to dissatisfaction.
Harold Lloyd’s Death-Defying Comedy
“With comedy, trouble is one of the greatest ingredients because there are so many variations to it,” the silent film actor told one scholar.
Climate Change and Syria’s Civil War
Some scholars and scientists are calling climate change the invisible player in Syria's ongoing civil war. But is that too simplistic an explanation?