Concept image of people rejecting a vaccine injection

Why Do Vaccination Rates Plateau?

Two experts discovered a paradox that can lead people to think disease isn't a problem.
Illustration of Robusta Coffee

Plant of the Month: Robusta Coffee

What’s there to love about “bad” coffee? For much of the world, plenty.
A bull elk searches for food beneath the snow in Yellowstone National Park

The Slaughter of Elk at Yellowstone National Park

And how it changed Park Service policy.
Opening title from Night of the Living Dead

The Summer Blockbusters of JSTOR Daily

Our favorite stories about popcorn movies! There may or may not be explosions.
2015 Global Temperatures

Climate Politics, Robot Chameleons, and Taxing Churches

Well-researched stories from Quartz, Gizmodo, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
Dr. Schreiber of San Augustine giving a typhoid innoculation at a rural school

Do Schools Make Good Vaccination Sites?

The influenza virus is a problem student, but vaccinations get extra credit.
An advertisement for Eagle Pencil Co's fine arts lead pencils, c. 1870-1900

Why You’ll Never Get Lead Poisoning from a Pencil

Some of the greatest moments in international pencil history involve discoveries of a different mineral.
A person wearing a denim jacket

Could Our Love of Clothing Promote Sustainable Fashion?

There are some clothes you hang on to, year after year, because they're durable and amazing.
Three cats singing by Louis Wain

Six Cat Poems That Aren’t That Owl and Pussycat One

There's nothing practical about these felines. Meow.
Construction method from the Severn Barrage from the English coast to the Welsh coast

Tidal Power: A Forgotten Renewable Resource?

For well over a century, engineers have proposed harnessing the ocean's tides for energy. But the idea hasn't seemed to register in many places.