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Who Was Joetha Collier? (The Atlantic)
by Keisha N. Blain
In 1971—sixteen years after Emmett Till’s murder, at a time when the Civil Rights Movement had achieved many of its goals—a group of white men killed a young Black woman in Mississippi. A historian remembers her life.

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Tricks of the Memory (OpenMind)
by Jill Neimark
Alleged repressed memories have helped put innocent people in prison for decades. But how can we ever really know if our recollections are accurate?

The End of Normal (The Cut)
by Katie Heaney
A study suggests that tens of millions of US adults have no plans to return to their pre-pandemic ways even if COVID-19 becomes a nonissue. Is this the result of anxiety? Habits? Or just new priorities?

A Pacific Island’s Gorgeous Puffer Fish Helmets (Atlas Obscura)
by Mark Hay
On the island of Kiribati, puffer fish helmets were once part of elaborately crafted sets of ceremonial battle armor. But colonial dictates eliminated the context in which they were traditionally used, and many of them ended up in museums, where curators had little understanding of their purpose and meaning.

When Viruses Meet Climate Change (Grist)
by Zoya Teirstein
To adapt to climate change, many mammal species are moving to new ranges—and meeting other creatures doing the same thing. The result is a petri dish for the development of new diseases that could spill over to infect humans.

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