Waste-to-Energy: Sustainability Solution or Ponzi Scheme?
Waste-to-energy involves generating electricity by converting waste into gasses. Many are wondering: does it work? And is it scalable?
How Second Wave Feminism Almost Killed Nursing
An expert wonders if the waning number of women interested in nursing was the unintended consequence of the women’s rights movement of the 1970’s.
Remembering Coral Conservationist Ruth Gates
Dr. Ruth Gates worked tirelessly to conserve coral reefs, promoting a controversial idea called assisted evolution.
The Alarming Possibilities of Hypersonic Flight
Hypersonic aircraft can fly at least five times the speed of sound. They would make for terrifying weapons -- if they are even possible.
How the Enslaved People of Arkansas Fought Back
Though there was never a unified uprising that made it into the history books, the enslaved people of Arkansas rebelled and resisted in significant ways.
Is It Time to Say Good-Bye to the Mediterranean?
The cradle of civilization may not support our civilization anymore.
Moms United, Caribbean Slavers, and Powerful Bacteria
Well-researched stories from Harvard Magazine, The New York Review of Books, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
How Nixon Paved the Way for Trump
Richard Nixon's voters had a lot in common with Trump's, especially in their idealization of the self-sufficient, independent American businessperson.
Can the US and China Avoid the Thucydides Trap?
The "Thucydides trap" refers to the theory that when a rising power threatens a ruling power, the result is often war. Are the US and China headed there?
Catching Cats With Cologne
The cat-attracting ability of perfume has been known since at least the 18th century. Will it help authorities catch a killer tiger?