Sharks Are Hiding from Scientists in Plain Sight—Almost
Marine biologists need to count sharks to save them, but the common practice of using video cameras to record populations could be improved.
Sharks Before and After Jaws
The blockbuster Jaws (1975) provoked fear by portraying sharks as “mindless eating machines.” But what did people think of sharks before then?
Where the Small Fish Clean the Bigger Ones
A "cleaner station" is a sort of undersea business, a place where large, often predatory, fish go to have parasites removed.
The Real-Life Meg
One of the many misconceptions about the ancient megalodon is that it was an extinct, larger ancestor of the great white shark.
Why It’s So Difficult to Save Sharks
Will a ban on shark fins help shark populations? Since sharks are slow-growing and long-lived, once shark stocks are depleted, they take a while to rebound.
What Makes Fish Swim Fast
How do fish swim? Having fins and tails help, But it takes more than that to be fast and avoid danger. Diving into fish physics.
How Killer Whales Kill
Orcas may look cute, but don’t be fooled. They display some of the most sophisticated hunting techniques of any animals on Earth.
Slow, Steady, and Very, Very, Very Old
Why do Greenland Sharks and Pacific Rockfish live for hundreds and hundreds of years?
Every Week Is Shark Week for Shark Biologist Dave Ebert
An interview with shark biologist Dr. David Ebert, discoverer of the ninja lanternshark.
Shark Attacks: A History of Hype
A history of shark attacks and public response to them.