How Trees Can Save Lakes From Algae Blooms
In addition to cleaning air pollution, trees absorb excess nutrients from soil, preventing algae blooms in waterways.
The Environmental Cost of Cigarettes
Cigarette butts account for a huge amount of human-generated plastic pollution.
Waste-to-Energy: Sustainability Solution or Ponzi Scheme?
Waste-to-energy involves generating electricity by converting waste into gasses. Many are wondering: does it work? And is it scalable?
Why Air Pollution Is a Socioeconomic Issue
Too much pollution can pose a health risk to anyone, but whether it is lethal or not mostly depends on the person's underlying health—and economic—status.
Are Our Environmental Policies Making Us Broke, Hungry, and Infertile?
Forestry wages fall, hunger is increases, and infertility may be growing because pesticide residue clings to food. Time to overhaul environmental policy?
Company Uses Mushrooms to Grow Plastic Alternatives
Plastic has become ubiquitous in our home and work lives, but is a pollutant that won't break down. Mushrooms may provide a sustainable alternative.
Antarctic Ice Reveals Temporary Side Effect of Carbon Pollution: Happy Plants
The rate of photosynthesis has increased dramatically over the past century. Plants have been shielding us from some of the effects of climate change.
Fast Fashion Fills Our Landfills
Americans dispose of about 12.8 million tons of textiles annually. Fashion has a major impact on the environment. So what is the industry doing about it?
The Not-So-Clean Side of Natural Gas
Methane leaks are a serious but oft-overlooked cause of pollution.
Lead: Our Four-Thousand Year Old Pollutant
The history of lead pollution goes back 4000 years.