The Real-Life Meg
One of the many misconceptions about the ancient megalodon is that it was an extinct, larger ancestor of the great white shark.
Will Fish Lose Their Sense of Smell in Acidic Oceans?
Increasing levels of dissolved CO2 disrupt fish’s olfactory skills, study finds.
The Science Behind Decompression Sickness
Deep-sea divers now know how to avoid "the bends." But decompression still poses a problem when studying marine organisms from the deep.
Why We Need Seagrass
Seagrass meadows are habitats for a variety of marine life, and a vital link between land and sea. But these crucial plants are increasingly under threat.
Did North America’s Longest Painting Inspire Moby-Dick?
Herman Melville likely saw the panorama “Whaling Voyage,” which records the sinking of the whaler Essex, while staying in Boston in 1849.
The Five Types of Summer Vacation
Each of them has a distinctive structure and a complex history.
The Myth of the St. Augustine Monster
The idea of the gigantic octopus has tantalized marine scientists for years, although its existence had never been conclusively proven.
These Lizard-Dolphin Creatures Ruled the Seas for 150 Million Years
Ichthyosaurs gave birth to live offspring, had huge eyes and lived all over the world.
It’s Time to Plug Into the Internet of Water
Scientists are "digitizing" water to better manage the precious resource. What does that mean and how is it helping?
These (Aggressive) Newfound Ocean Viruses May Also Live in the Human Gut
Is the newly discovered, tailless Autolykiviridae virus shaping your microbiome?