Stanford VR coral world

Can Virtual Reality Emerge as a Tool for Conservation?

New advances in technology are sparking efforts to use virtual reality to help people gain a deeper appreciation of environmental challenges.
Saturn's moon Enceladus

The Mysterious Ocean of Enceladus

Saturn’s moon Enceladus has a secret. For some years, scientists have been convinced that there is a liquid ...
Coral and fish in the Red Sea underwater

The Unlikely Places Where Corals Thrive

Working with local populations to live responsibly with coral reefs may have even better long-term effects than trying to protect said reefs.
Waves touch the shore at low tide

Five Things You Didn’t Know About the Ocean

June is National Oceans Month. Celebrate with some beach reads.
A blue ocean below an almost cloudless sky

Why Blue Is Better Than Green At Beating the Blues

There might be a reason why being out in nature can put you in a naturally better mood. A new study researched the psychological benefits of ocean views.  
Aerial view of the Gulf of Mexico

Our Oceans Are Suffocating

The oceans can’t catch a break. To rising temperatures and acidification caused by rising CO2 emissions, add oxygen deprivation .
Colourful sponge garden with Sea Tulips (Pyura spinifera). Fly Point, Port Stephens, NSW

The Reef Hidden Beneath the Amazon Mud

A hidden sponge reef has been found in an unexpected place.
School of sardines

Peace and Quiet? Not Underwater

Fish, it turns out, are loud.
Fish Stick

The Ocean’s Hot Dog: The Strange History of Fish Sticks

Fish sticks fulfilled the need to repackage an abundance of frozen fillets. But did they become a consumer staple?
Bleached wart coral

The Global Coral Bleaching Event

We look at the current global coral bleaching event, possibly the worst in recorded history.