The Mysterious Pre-Columbian Settlement of Cahokia
Cahokia was the largest pre-columbian settlement north of Mexico. It collapsed centuries before Europeans arrived in the region. What happened?
The Real Pocahontas
Pocahontas, Matoaka, and Lady Rebecca Rolfe were all the same young woman, who died in 1617, a long way from home.
The American Counter-Narrative of Ledger Drawings
Plains Indian ledger drawings offer a rich counter-narrative to the often-glamorized, or forgotten, history of the American West.
Remembering Wounded Knee at Standing Rock
Have you been wondering about the history of Standing Rock protests and the American Indian Movement? Learn why and how we “Remember Wounded Knee.”
Standing Rock and the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day and learn about the history of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
The Little-Known History of the Forced Sterilization of Native American Women
Jane Lawrence documents the forced sterilization of thousands of Native American women by the Indian Health Service in the 1960s and 1970s.
Who Was Daniel Boone?
Who was the man who became an American icon? Daniel Boone was a frontiersman, pioneer, political figure, ally of Native Americans, and more.
The Cheyenne Artist Who Is Challenging the Silenced History of Native Americans
Using freeway signs as his medium, artist Edgar Heap of Birds disrupts American perceptions of Native-American culture and history.
How Luiseno Indian Artist James Luna Resists Cultural Appropriation
Artist James Luna uses his body as an intervention to white art-historical practices.
Historian Elizabeth A. Fenn on the Mandans
Early work from historian Elizabeth A. Fenn.