The Bison Is America’s New National Mammal
The American bison joins the bald eagle as the second national animal. What will the designation mean for its conservation status?
The Crucial Role of Women in Conservation
Conservationists need to do a better job involving women, according to a recent Nature Conservancy report.
No, Trophy Hunting Won’t Protect Wildlife
Killing wildlife to save it isn't a viable strategy. We can create diverse, self-sustaining ecosystems without trophy hunting.
What Lies Beneath the Museum?
Paradoxically, museum specimens of long-dead animals may offer us the keys to protecting live ones.
Who Doesn’t Like National Parks?
National parks and monuments have always been controversial, opposed by ranchers, farmers, resource, extractors, and small government conservatives.
The History of the National Wildlife Refuge System
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge has been occupied by armed militants since January 2, 2016. But where did the National Wildlife Refuge system come from?
Chernobyl: Can Wildlife Return After the Blast?
For 30 years we have assumed that no life would return to Chernobyl after the nuclear disaster there. We may be wrong.
Jacques Cousteau on Man’s Divorce From Nature
Jacques Cousteau's 1992 speech at the United Nations warning the consequences of "man's divorce from nature" seems more prescient than ever.
Does Hunting Have a Place in Wildlife Conservation?
Can hunting be a viable option for wildlife conservation?
Just for the Halibut: More Fish are Deliberately Wasted Than Caught
More halibut are dumped dead in the ocean as waste than sold by fishermen.