aristotle and phyllis

That Time a Woman Rode Aristotle Around Like a Horse

In the Middle Ages, the legend of Aristotle and Phyllis exemplified the “Power of Women” trope.

What Do We Lose When We Lose a Species?

Debates about the moral value of biodiversity are longstanding in the world of environmental ethics, and the issue is far from settled.
Blackfoot Albatross chick

The Strange Tale of the Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program

In the 1960s, over seventy scientists and graduate students traveled to U.S. outlying islands as part of the Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program.

What Makes a Species?

Scientists have found there are actually four different species of giraffes. But what makes a species?
Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin Was One Sick Dude

Charles Darwin was able to pursue his life's work despite suffering from a variety of ailments the doctors could never explain. 
Photograph of Charles Darwin by Maull and Polyblank for the Literary and Scientific Portrait Club (1855).

Charles Darwin In His Own Words

Some collected letters and observations from the great naturalist, Charles Darwin. 
Antibodies attacking a virus.

Could There Be a ‘Silver Bullet’ Therapy for Ebola?

Monoclonal antibodies may be the key to treating the deadly Ebola virus. 
Bees busy at work in their beehive

Historical Hives and the Buzz About Bees

A historical look at bee hives in philosophy, literature, politics, and beyond.
A tower of giraffes

The Secret Lives of Giraffes

Despite being such conspicuous animals, researchers still know surprisingly little about giraffes.