Stanford VR coral world

Can Virtual Reality Emerge as a Tool for Conservation?

New advances in technology are sparking efforts to use virtual reality to help people gain a deeper appreciation of environmental challenges.
Enigma machine

Will Reading Romance Novels Make Artificial Intelligence More Human?

Google is feeding its natural language AI thousands of romance novels in an effort to humanize its “conversational tone.” Will this give it "humanness?"
Victorian woman reading

A Novel Defense of the Internet

Novel reading was once regarded as an idle occupation, just as Internet use is now.
Pokemon Gym at the peak of Zion Observation Point

Mapping the Future with Pokémon Go

Is Pokémon Go is preparing us for a world without cartography?
online stress

Self-Regulation in a Stressed-Out, Online World

Do our computers, gadgets and online activities necessarily cause stress—or is the internet a place where we can find ways to relieve our stress?
Montral Biosphere

Buckminster Fuller: Captain of Spaceship Earth

Even apostles of the future end up as historical figures: a critical view of R. Buckminster Fuller as the Captain of Spaceship Earth.

Nikola Tesla and the Death Ray Craze

Nikola Tesla, the audacious futurist and groundbreaking inventor, once claimed to have invented a death ray that would end all war.
Close-up of a gold pendant in the shape of the "@" symbol

How To Live With Your Digital Doppelgängers

Digital Doppelgängers may share your name, but you can still claim your own digital identity.
Unsheathed iron dagger with a golden hilt and sheath

Why King Tut Had A Meteorite Knife

What do you get the boy pharaoh who has everything? A dagger made out of meteorite iron, of course. 
A student working on a laptop computer

Embracing Your Inner Cyborg

Cyborgs might be closer in the future than you think.