Beach Pneumatic Train

The Pneumatic Subway That Almost Was

New York almost had a pneumatic subway system, but political, legal, and financial reasons kept the system from expanding.
A rendering of the Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) telescope

A New Tool in the Search for Alien Life

China is bringing a huge new radio telescope on-line, and part of its stated purpose will be to search for alien life.
Mahjong players

Making Sense of Social Gaming

What do social gaming habits reveal about the lives of those playing?
Baby with laptop

Inventing Rituals for the Digital World

How do we recognize our digital milestones?
Internet trolls

How To Live With Internet Trolls

We need to start thinking about how to live with internet trolls even while we look for ways to reduce or eliminating trolling. 
Octobot soft robot

The Soft Robot Revolution

Science fiction has accustomed us to metallic, humanoid robots, but there are better models out there. 
First United States Labor Day Parade 1882, Union Square

A Labor Day Look at the Future of Work

If computers endanger the hard-won gains of the labor movement, do we need a new way of addressing tech-driven income inequality?
Tintype portrait

Fast, Cheap, and Totally Popular: Tintypes

Tintypes were an early, accessible, cheap form of photography, just the thing for on-the-go Americans.
Students on tablets

6 Digital Work Habits Every Student (and Adult) Needs

These digital study habits are relatively simple and sustainable, and work for students and parents alike.
Stanford VR coral world

Can Virtual Reality Emerge as a Tool for Conservation?

New advances in technology are sparking efforts to use virtual reality to help people gain a deeper appreciation of environmental challenges.