Too Many Tabs

Browser Tab Clutter Is The New Hoarding

How having a million browser tabs open is akin to hoarding...and a couple ways you can clean up this particular kind of digital clutter.
Marina Abramovic

How Virtual Reality Could Change the Art World

Acute Art is a kind virtual reality marketed directly to artists. Marina Abramović, Olafur Eliasson, and Jeff Koons have been the first to try it out.
Whole Foods

Eat the Rich: What Amazon and Whole Foods Tell Us about Internet-Era Eating

The internet has already transformed how Americans eat; the Amazon/Whole Foods deal is just the culmination of this transformation.
LGBTQ Pride Online

9 Reasons for the LGBTQ Community to Take Pride Online

Today, gay teens don't have to feel alone because the internet makes it possible to connect with other LGBTQ people all over the world. Right?
Kid screentime

What the White House Needs to Know about Managing “Screen Time”

White House officials, like parents, are learning how limiting screen time can lead to better focus. But what does "screen time" really mean?
NASA chain mail

Why Would NASA Want to 3-D Print Chain Mail?

NASA engineers have 3-D printed a new version of chain mail. Why strong, light, heat-resistant materials are so important in space.
Viking sword runes

The Secrets of Viking Sword Making

New research scans three Viking swords and finds that, while well-made, they were not strong enough to withstand a fight.
man in garden on laptop

Secret Communities: Why We Confess Online

How can it be helpful to disclose secrets online? A look at sites like PostSecret, where users anonymously confess to things they've never told anyone.
Minitel 1 computer

Thank Minitel for the French Election

Minitel gave the French a very specific experience of the digital realm, compared with other places where networked information arrived via the internet.
grief app

Grief? There’s an App for That.

Would you want to be able to talk to a loved one after they'd passed away, knowing it wasn't really them? Would it help? Would it hurt?