Black and white illustration of a chained elephant, titled Uganda, giving a side glance to the explorer and colonizer who are discussing it

The Original White Elephant

The unsettling story of Barnum's White Elephant.
Older black and white drawing of the presentation of the Magna Carta

Magna Carta at 800

The Magna Carta's 800th birthday is this year.
Globe showing area referred to as the Middle East

Making the Middle East

Two scholarly perspectives on the making of the Middle East.
Nelson Mandela with his right fist raised

Nelson Mandela’s Release

February 11th marks a quarter century since the release of Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)
Light floods in between large Egyptian columns

That Old Scroll is Actually an Egyptian Book of Spells!

A mysterious document turned out to be a book of Egyptian book of spells, according to a newly-completed translation
A modern street in Cuba with vintage cars on the road

Cuban-American Relations Through The Years

After 55 years, diplomatic relations have been re-established between the United States and Cuba.
Napoleon's signature

Napoléon’s Signatures: The Story of a Decline in Handwriting

As Napoléon’s career and mental conditions declined in his later years, his signature suffered greatly.
Black and white photograph of Leon Trotsky looking directly at the camera

Trotsky’s New York Minute

Trotsky in New York.
Winston Churchill and Bernard Baruch

Was Winston Churchill a “Drunk in Charge”?

Winston Churchill's status is history is decided. His status as a drinker is disputed.
Nuremburg Trials Defendants in the Dock

Anniversary: The Nuremberg Trials

On November 20, 1945, in the wake of the Second World War, the Nuremberg War Crime Trials began. ...