Hulk Hogan (left) and Nick Denton (right)

How Hulk Hogan v. Gawker May Change the Face of Journalism

The recent Gawker vs. Hogan spat is the latest in the long history of journalism, free speech, gossip, and the law.
Woodpulp pile

Pulp Nonfiction: The Unlikely Origin of American Mass Media

How wood pulp paper created the American mass media.
Headline reading, "New Popular Idol Rises in Bavaria: Hitler Credited With Extraordinary Powers of Swaying Crowds to His Will"

How Hitler Played the American Press

Did the AP and other news organizations get tricked into sympathetic coverage of Hitler?
1871 Life insurance policy

Putting a Price on a Life

If you have a life insurance policy, that means your insurance company pays your beneficiaries when you die, ...
Mussolini and the Quadrumviri during the March on Rome in 1922: from left to right: Michele Bianchi, Emilio De Bono, Italo Balbo and Cesare Maria De Vecchi

Authoritarianism’s Hidden Root Cause

The greater the inequality of a society, the greater the risk of authoritarianism.
Leonardo da Vinci botanical study, circa 1490

Leonardo Da Vinci, Artist/Scientist

Leonardo was the first scientific illustrator.
Donald Trump makes a campaign stop at Muscatine Iowa on 1/24/2016

Donald Trump and “Whiteness”

Donald Trump's controversial racial rhetoric and mostly white supporters lead us to ask what whiteness means to white people?
Fast Food Strikes, NYC, July 2013

The Long Prelude to the Fight for 15

Arguments in support of the minimum wage over the last century have ranged from social justice to increased worker efficiency.
Single mother coloring with her daughter.

Single Parenting And Welfare

What does the research say about welfare encouraging single parenting, as conservative critics have long charged? 
Mystery airship The Saint Paul Globe (Minn) April 13 1897

The History of UFOs

UFOs are much older than the Cold War's flying saucers. These 1897 and 1909 sightings of flying machines were the talk of the town.