George Caleb Bingham: On Display in All His American Contradictions
An exhibition called "Navigating the West: George Caleb Bingham and the River," explores the artist in all of his contradictions.
How Second-Wave Feminists Saw Saturday Morning Cartoons
Before the Bechdel test, second-wave feminists looked at sexist portrayals in Saturday Morning cartoons
Gone (Cat)Fishing: How Language Detectives Tackle Online Anonymity
Linguistic clues might be the solution to identifying anonymous online users.
Off With Their Heads! Alice In Wonderland Turns 150
How Alice in Wonderland changed how we look at time and space.
The Medieval Historical Figures Behind Bruce Holsinger’s Novels
Discover the real men Bruce Holsinger based his characters on.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Kinder, Gentler Action Hero?
Two articles look at the movies of Arnold Schwarzenegger through the lens of gender studies and feminism.
Inside Early Hollywood’s Obsession With Age
How did Hollywood portray aging stars in a time before Photoshop?
All About That Taboo: When Good Words Go Bad
The phenomenon of sacres, or taboo words that start from fairly innocuous beginnings.
Tomas Tranströmer’s Final Interview
Read poetry and essays on Tomas Transtromer.