Streaming Shakespeare in the Twenty-First Century
What does "live theatre" truly mean when it's broadcast to cinema screens? And how does streaming Shakespeare stack up to the theatrical version?
Animated Gifs: A Throwback to Cinema’s Beginnings
Animated gifs function like early cinema in several ways.
And the Academy Award Goes to…
The American motion picture industry honors itself every year with the Academy Awards, now known officially as "The Oscars."
“Birth of a Nation”: 100 Years Later
The Birth of a Nation—1915's blockbuster hit and the most popular movie of its day—was released 100 years ago this month.
Getting Historical Movies Right: Hollywood vs. Historians
Does the movie industry owe it to the public to get the facts right in historical movies?
“The Phantom of Hollywood” and the Demise of the MGM Film Musical
The Hollywood musical was slaughtered onscreen for the entertainment of the spectator in The Phantom of Hollywood, a horribly tacky made-for-TV movie.
Skellig Michael: An Island Far, Far Away (Where “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Was Filmed)
Star Wars Epiosde VII was filmed on Skellig Michael island in Ireland.