A Tobacco Plant that Could Cure Cancer?
Finding anti-cancer agents inside tobacco may seem like a pretty strange coincidence, but it’s not unheard of to find help in harmful places.
Green Burial and the North-South Divide
Embalming practices were first introduced in the US during the Civil War to preserve bodies for transportation.
An Early Wiretapping Case
Wiretapping made its debut in front of the Supreme Court in 1928.
The Origins of Bastille Day
Bastille Day as we know it began as private educational events phased into lively street fetês, and eventually the parades and fireworks we know today.
Sixteen-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Sperm Discovered in Australia
Digging in Queensland, Australia, scientists recently discovered the fossilized remains of a small crustacean known as a seed ...
The Lotus Magazine
First published in 1910 by the Author’s Bureau, The Lotus Magazine covers art history, composition, and individual pieces ...
The History of the World Cup
Academic takes on the global football tournament.
Interview with Godzilla
The awesome destructive power of the beast is widely understood to be a metaphor for nuclear weapons. Is this too facile an idea?
It’s Mushroom Season…
Check out this Special Mushroom Issue of Economic Botany to look up some pictures of edible mushrooms in the wild before you go picking.
Maya Angelou Has Died
Maya Angelou has died.