Cover of Oikos: Synthesizing Ecology


The peer-reviewed ecological journal Oikos has nothing to do with the popular brand of Greek yogurt that shares its name.
The Blood Falls seeps from the end of the Taylor Glacier into Lake Bonney.

The Creepy “Blood Falls” of Antarctica

How Antarctica's "Blood Falls" were discovered.
A preserved specimen in a glass jar

Preserving the Past: Natural History in North America

A look at early natural history collection methods.
Cardboard Boxes With a Made In America Emblem

The Return of “Made in the USA”

A key impetus for the “Made in the USA” resurgence is more about business expenses.
A kitchen table full of chopped vegetables and spices

A Plan to Get the Poor to Eat Healthy Food—in the 1890s

Early efforts to get Americans to eat healthy food started with targeting poor citizens.
Upwards looking shot of city skyscrapers

Why Antitrust Progressives Didn’t Curb the Power of Big Business

The limits of Progressive ideology in curbing antitrust practices in the U.S.
Pen on a white background

Ballpoint Pen CSI

A short history of the ballpoint pen and early debates about its impact on handwriting.
Ballerina, Leslie Caron leans on Gene Kelly's arm in "An American in Paris"

An American in Paris: Onstage and Onscreen

Whatever your thoughts on the Broadway production, An American in Paris is a big deal in the history of movie musicals.
"BB King onstage (Toronto, 2007)" by Piedmontstyle (talk) (Uploads) - Own work. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikipedia -,_2007).jpg#/media/File:BB_King_onstage_(Toronto,_2007).jpg

Two Poems for B.B. King

Two poems about the legendary blues artist B.B. King.

The Story of the First High School LGBT Group

The first high school LGBT group started in the 1970s.