The African Roots of Square Dancing
Square dancing’s lily-white reputation hides something unexpected: A deep African American history that’s rooted in a legacy of slavery.
How “This Land Is Your Land” Went From Protest Song to Singalong
Woody Guthrie’s “This Land Is Your Land” has lost a bit of its protest oomph—in part because of a decades-long denial of its later verses.
The Mystical Side of Marshall McLuhan
Communication theorists don't usually merit international celebrity, with one giant exception: Canadian professor and author Marshall McLuhan.
When Tacos Become a Political Flashpoint
In 2008, the “Taco Truck War” broke out in Los Angeles. Taco trucks again became a hot-button issue in the 2016 presidential race. Why?
What Makes a Glass House the Ideal Home for a Communist Gynecologist?
Paris’s Maison de Verre is a marvel of modernist architecture whose rarely seen interior was constructed to foster sociality.
Marie Cosindas and the Painterly Photograph
A student of painting, then of black and white photography under Ansel Adams, Marie Cosindas became famous for turning color photography into an art form.
Victorian England Had a Problem With Cloth Piracy
Calico took the newly industrial world by storm. But battles over bolts of fabric shook Britain during the nineteenth century.
9 Reasons for the LGBTQ Community to Take Pride Online
Today, gay teens don't have to feel alone because the internet makes it possible to connect with other LGBTQ people all over the world. Right?
The Enduring Mysteries of the Narwhal’s Tusk
Why don't we know what narwhals' tusks are for? New footage suggests they use the tusks to stun fish before eating then, but some mysteries remain.
Suggested Readings: Human Origins, a Rat Disaster, and the Confederate Flag
Well-researched stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. Brought to you each Tuesday from the editors of JSTOR Daily.