Does Law Exist to Provide Moral Order?
Is social cohesion possible in plural societies? Philosopher H. L. A. Hart weighed in amid debates on abortion and same-sex relationships.
Plant of the Month: Garlic Mustard
As garlic mustard naturalized in North America, it became a popular plant to forage for impoverished and rural communities.
Floating Cities, Trans History, and Jazz in Ghana
Well-researched stories from Atlas Obscura, The Atlantic, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
Desegregating Bowling Alleys
The bowling desegregation movement began during World War II, but wouldn’t end there.
Colonial Traffic in Native American Women
Slavery in North America was not an institution of singular evil.
Destroying “Forever Chemicals” For Good
But will it make a difference for cleaning up pollution?
What Happens to Brands When Celebrity Endorsers Are ‘Canceled?’
Take the case of Tiger Woods’ whose reputation took a nosedive after his many affairs came to light in November 2009.
The Troubles with Tracking
Educators have been debating academic tracking since the early years of the public high school.
Silence in the Face of Intellectual Conflagration
Columbia University President Nicholas Murray Butler's actions (and inaction) towards Nazi Germany spoke loudly, while he said nothing.
Let’s Talk About (Your) Crimes
Asking yourself about what you've "gotten away with" may change how you think about "criminals."