How Consumers Cope With Celebrity Deaths
The sale of celebrity memorabilia increases in the weeks following their death.
Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities
Deforestation in areas where residents hunt and gather food can lead to malnutrition, food insecurity, and greater forest loss.
New History of the Illinois Country
The history of French settlement in le pays des Illinois is not well-known by Americans, and what is known is being revisited by historians.
Music and Spirit in the African Diaspora
The musical traditions found in contemporary Black U.S. and Caribbean Christian worship originated hundreds of years ago, continents away.
The Slap That Changed American Film-Making
When Sidney Poitier slapped a white murder suspect on screen, it changed how the stories of Black Americans were portrayed on film.
Hot Air Balloon Launch Riot!
In the early days of ballooning, launches were prone to failure. When failure looked imminent, the crowd’s mood would begin to turn.
Fighting Apartheid with Sports
Apartheid policies that segregated sports in South Africa were challenged by its own athletes, as well as internationally.
The Prince of Wales’ 1921 Trip to India Was a Royal Disaster
Prince Edward's visit began the end of the monarchy’s influence in India.
Censoring Ulysses
In reviewing the UK Home Office files on James Joyce's Ulysses, a historian found baffled officials afraid to bring more attention to it.
Sleep Styles, West Elm Caleb, and Plant Relationships
Well-researched stories from Popular Science, Full Stack Economics, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.