A satellite near a large space rock in the middle of space

How to Catch a Comet

Last week, the European Space Agency (ESA) successfully landed an unmanned probe (Philae) on a comet, a feat heretofore unmatched in human history
An empty boat at a tropical shore between two rocky masse

Is Taking Vacation Bad for Your Career?

Is taking time off for vacation bad for career advancement?
Black and white headshot of Louise Glück

Louise Glück Wins National Book Award for Poetry

Louise Glück has won the 2014 National Book Award for Poetry for her latest book, Faithful and Virtuous Night.
A shelf of weathered leather bound books

The First English Books

In the rare book world, the earliest printed books are known as incunables or incunabula.
Close-up of triple 7's on the face of a slot machine

Who Wins When Gambling is Legal?

Is expanding the role of legal gambling in the U.S. wise?
Nuremburg Trials Defendants in the Dock

Anniversary: The Nuremberg Trials

On November 20, 1945, in the wake of the Second World War, the Nuremberg War Crime Trials began. ...
Pressed chestnut leaves

When Chestnuts Ruled Our Forests

Once plentiful, chestnuts were virtually extirpated from the forests of eastern North America by WWII.
Tweezers holding a leaf and placing it in a test tube

EPA Announces 2014 Presidential Green Chemistry Award Winners

The 2014 Presidential Green Chemistry Award winners discover new strategies for pollution prevention.
Older photograph of Florence Foster Jenkins standing agains a flowery backdrop while holding a fully feathered fan

Florence Foster Jenkins, World’s Worst Opera Diva

Florence Foster Jenkins, the legendary diva of awfulness, known as the world's worst opera singer.