A Mexican Free Tailed Bat holding on to the bark of a tree

Singing’s Not Just for the Birds Anymore

The common perception of bat calls consists of squeaks and chirps. But many bats, including Mexican free-tailed bats of Austin, TX, sing to one another.
2013 issue of Playboy from Israel

Playboy‘s Complicated Relationship with Feminism

Playboy has begun producing some surprisingly feminist content in recent months.
Color coded map expressing ozone concentration over different parts of the globe. Ozone concentration trends upwards from lower hemisphere to upper.

Signs of Recovery in Earth’s Ozone Layer, but Danger Remains

For the first time in 35 years, atmospheric ozone actually increased, according to NASA measurements.

The Death of Klinghoffer: John Adams’ Opera Sparks Protest at the Met

The Death of Klinghoffer, The opera accused of promoting terrorism and anti-Semitism, has been dubbed "The Terror Opera" in some corners of the press.
A crowded city street at the turn of the century

Secular Stagnation Theory

What is secular stagnation theory? And what does it have to do with the recession?
Microscope view of anthrax

Anthrax: The Bacteria that Lays Diabolical Traps

Anthrax sets self-perpetuating booby traps in order to spread itself, researchers have found.
Painting of Mozart wearing a red jacket

New Mozart Manuscript Discovered in Budapest

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's manuscripts were recently discovered by Balazs Mikusi at the National Szechenyi Library in Budapest
Close-up of a dolphin's face rising out of the water

How Smart are Dolphins, Really?

Dolphins may not be as smart as previously believed.
Illustration a satellite orbiting Saturn

The Cassini Saturn Mission and the Allure of the Unknown

What the Cassini Saturn Mission teaches us about scientific discovery
The Ever Given container ship at sail

Artist Residency on a Cargo Ship?

Container, an artist residency program is funded by Worldwide Storefront, a New York-based nonprofit.