What Caused the Salem Witch Trials?
Looking into the underlying causes of the Salem Witch Trials in the 17th century.
J.D. Salinger and Playboy: The Fight Against Obscenity
The Citizens for Decent Literature launched various anti-obscenity campaigns against magazines like Playboy and MAD and books like Catcher in the Rye.
Chernobyl: Can Wildlife Return After the Blast?
For 30 years we have assumed that no life would return to Chernobyl after the nuclear disaster there. We may be wrong.
The Cost of Going Hybrid
What makes us buy hybrid cars? Going beyond the environmental argument.
John Lindsay, Last of the Liberal Republicans
Yes, there was once such a thing as a liberal Republican. We take a look at the rise and fall of John Lindsay, former Mayor of New York.
Bringing Education to Prisoners
Is there an alternative to the punitive treatment of criminals? We look at the history of correctional education reforms within the American prison system.
Preventing Nuclear Terrorism
The fight for nuclear non-proliferation by state and non-state actors alike.
Next stop for the New Horizons Spacecraft: The Kuiper Belt
New Horizons, the NASA probe deployed to visit Pluto, has begun a new mission: visit the Kuiper belt, a region beyond the orbit of Neptune.
How Beer Companies Made Light Beer Macho
Light beer was originally marketed for its reduced calorie count. But heavy drinking men weren't into that.
#allhandsondeck: The Art of Political Posters
Did posters help to raise spirits in Ferguson? Learn about the transformative political posters of Damon Davis and Robbie Conal.