Do Reminders of Death Affect Reckless Driving?
Self-driving cars are meant to eliminate reckless driving. But can anything really stop motorists from making bad choices?
The Unlikely Origins of “Strange Fruit”
The man behind the anti-lynching anthem "Strange Fruit" was a white, Jewish, Communist named Abel Meeropol.
Where Did the Moon Come From?
Despite years of study, it is only since the 1980s that a theory of the moon's origin has coalesced.
What the Space Race Left Behind
How should the artifacts of the space race be preserved?
Susan B. Anthony on Her Revolutionary Foremothers
Susan B. Anthony discusses how women's rights have evolved in a 1902 North American Review piece, "Woman's Half-Century of Evolution."
How LSD Went From Research to Religion
The lines between psychological research and mysticism were blurry in the early days of LSD.
Suggested Readings: Ducklings, Turkey, and Rembrandt’s Mirrors
Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
Party Conventions and the Political Amateur
As the Republican and Democratic party conventions approach, many wonder which way the "political amateur" delegates will vote.
The Crucial Role of Women in Conservation
Conservationists need to do a better job involving women, according to a recent Nature Conservancy report.
Why Do They Build Party Platforms, Anyway?
What is the point of the party platforms unveiled at political conventions?