Cedric Robinson and the Black Radical Tradition
Cedric Robinson proposed that the Black radical tradition was necessitated into existence by “racial capitalism.”
Venus of the Sewers
The Roman sewer, the Cloaca Maxima, was presided over by a goddess whose shrine stood near the Forum.
How Wet-Nursing Stoked Class Tensions
“[N]o man can justly doubt, that a childs mind is answerable to his nurses milk and manners.”
What Is Critical Race Theory?
Critical race theory has become a focus of conservative legislation, often with little understanding of its meaning and history.
Marcus Garvey’s Journey Began in Central America
Marcus Garvey left Jamaica unemployed, an anti-colonial trade unionist who British authorities considered dangerous.
The Anatomical Machines of Naples’ Alchemist Prince
Rumor had it that these machines were once the Prince’s servants, whom he murdered and transformed into anatomical displays. Scholars showed otherwise.
George Washington Williams and the Origins of Anti-Imperialism
Initially supportive of Belgian King Leopold II’s claim to have created a “free state” of Congo, Williams changed his mind when he saw the horrors of empire.
Joanna Koerten’s Scissor-Cut Works Were Compared to Michelangelo
And then, snip by snip, she was cut out of the frame of Renaissance art history.
The “Deviant” African Genders That Colonialism Condemned
European travellers and anthropologists found that their gendered worldview didn’t easily map onto the societies they encountered.